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Stuck In Your Life? Here’s What To Do

A person jumping forward in the sunset, representing breaking free and finding a way to move forward in life.

"The only person who can limit your future is yourself."

- Unknown

Are your days not going right? Fed up of life just seeming stuck, always head in a downward spiral. 

How did you start your day today? 

The first thing you do as soon as you wake up, is what makes the differences. 

What's the first thing you do just before your feet hit the floor?

Do you look up, smile with gratitude in your heart for living another day? Or do you automatically go to worry, stress, and the weight of what the world will throw at you? Maybe even reach for your phone right away?

What tone is this setting for your day?

You see, the way you start your day sets the tone for the entire day. If you don't believe me, just ask yourself this one question:

What was the first thing you did yesterday? And how did your day turn out?

If you desire your day to go right, think about how you can start it right. This is where the magic lies. To have a great day, start it with intention—bringing forward that empowering energy that will lift you up instead of draining you down.

Set The Tone Right

For many years, I lived on both sides of this equation. There were days when I stayed in bed, cried a lot, and wondered why the world seemed so bad and against me. I didn't feel like doing anything. I really didn't feel like doing anything, being around anyone hide away from people, felt really unhappy within my life. Getting out of bed felt like a mountain I couldn't climb. My thoughts felt so unhappy, filled with worry and self-doubt, and spending each morning stuck in a loop of negativity, thinking, Why me? Why is everything so hard?

I didn't plan my days, and I certainly didn't feel motivated. I avoided responsibilities and let the day slip away, consumed by stress and hopelessness. It felt like nothing I did mattered, and I allowed that belief to guide my every action—or, more often, inaction.

Then, one day five years ago, I came across an amazing human being who is now my mentor, John Assaraf. Who taught me that the best way to set the tone for your day is to start it right.

It all began with a simple yet profound question:

Is what I'm about to do going to empower me or disempower me?

Empower You or Disempower Me?

Now, don't get me wrong—changing what's been hardwired for years is tough. Heck yes, it is. But you know what's even harder? Living in a disempowered state, feeling stuck, and believing that your life could never change.

But guess what? It can change, and you have the power and wisdom to make that shift.

The real question is, will you? Will you take charge of your mornings so that you can take charge of your life?

John Assaraf smiling confidently next to the message 'Rewire Your Brain for Unstoppable Success,' promoting science-based techniques to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve goals.

If you're sick and tired, like I was for most of my life, waking up feeling drained, believing your life could never get better, please listen closely. If you don't make a change, even the smallest change to your morning routine, more of the same will only create more of the same.

I wrote this blog just for you, to remind you that you don't have to stay in a rut. You can make a shift with any of the methods and teachings I'm about to share.

One step at time, one day at time.

Start Your Days The Right Way:

Stuck in a Rut? 8 Morning Habits to Ignite Your Day and Change Your Life

Right here, right now, you may be thinking why? But for many years, after feeling stuck, I was committed to making a breakthrough in my life. I wanted to live more, be more, feel better, and experience life in a way I never had before. After five years of practicing, I discovered the most powerful morning ritual that made it all possible—and it's absolutely possible for you too.

So, where do you start? Right here.


I Am Grateful For... When was the last time you started your day with the power of gratitude? Gratitude is a powerful tool because it shifts your energy and attention to a different, higher vibration.

Really? If you're feeling stuck in your life, make a shift with the power of gratitude and watch better things fall into place. You see, we cannot think positive and negative thoughts at the same time, so why not make a shift in your morning routine by adding gratitude? Watch how your day will begin to flourish. Not forgetting to take the time to just be.


So, what are affirmations?

"Affirmations—clear, definitive statements declaring something is so—solidify your ideas of where you want to go or how you want to change. Without exception, positive affirmation is the key to all advancement and achievement. The most powerful and successful affirmations are the ones we design around our goals in the areas of our life that are most important to us." — John Assaraf

And why practice daily? Because it becomes your new reality. Think about it: What have you been saying to yourself each morning? Has it been empowering or disempowering you? The more you replay the same old thoughts, the more you'll experience the same old outcomes. Now is your time to write your new empowering affirmations and practice them every day. Watch how your mornings and your entire day will begin to shift like never before.

Note—the key is to practice, practice, practice.


The calmness you seek is seeking you, but are you in a state to receive it? For many years, I was the type of person who, when told to meditate, thought, Why? This seems like a waste of time. But you know what? After years of practicing, I've learned that the calmness you seek is truly seeking you—but are you listening?

When was the last time you stopped and simply were? If your mind is always on go, go, go, know that this constant hustle creates chaos. And what causes chaos? A cluttered mind. Stop, pause, and just be. With practice, this calm state of mind can become a part of you.

How would it feel to begin your day in a calm, relaxed manner? The peace and calm you seek stem from the peace and calm you create within yourself.


You might be wondering, Innercise. What's that?

Just as your body requires exercise to grow stronger, your mind requires Innercise to help you overcome the mental obstacles that prevent you from achieving the greatness you desire.

One of the keys to getting unstuck and achieving more of the life you've always dreamed of, by don't just dream it practice it. 

For many years, I felt stuck, suffocated by fear, stressed, and full of doubt. That was until I realized the power of Innercise. It enabled me to overcome limiting beliefs such as "I can't because..." and "My life will never change because..." I used to be afraid of losing everything, even succeeding. I was on the edge of panic attacks, filled with stress and daily doubt about whether my life could ever change for the better. But then I began strengthening my mind through Innercise, teaching myself to override those fears and doubts, shifting into a new empowered state.

Why practice Innercise daily?

Because each time you do, you're choosing to grow instead of staying stuck. You're telling yourself, I can do this. The more you practice, the more resilient and empowered you become. It's time to stop letting your mind run on autopilot and start taking control.

Imagine waking up each day feeling calm, focused, and ready to take on whatever comes your way. That's the power of Innercise. Make it part of your daily routine and watch how your life begins to shift, one thought at a time.

Dive Deeper >>>

An advertisement for the Innercise app, featuring John Assaraf and the tagline 'A Mindset Coach in the Palm of Your Hand.' Encourages users to download the app for personal growth and mindset coaching.


Why is your morning routine so important? It sets the tone for your entire day. Visualization is one of the most powerful tools you can use to create the life you desire.

Whatever you focus on expands. Where you place your energy and attention is what you get right back. What you see in your mind's eye shifts you onto a different energy and frequency, and the more you stay in that frequency, the more you attract into your life.

But ask yourself—are you putting that energy into the flow of what you want, or are you letting it slip into the flow of what you don't desire? The energy you start your day with is what you carry throughout. So, why not go out there and visualize?

Visualize the success you seek, as it is seeking you—but are you calling it in?


Do you know where your life is going? If not, why not? Do you take the time each morning to ask yourself if you are on track or off track? You see, when you're in the air on a plane or on a ship, you expect the captain to know the destination. The same applies to you: do you know where you are heading? Have you asked yourself today if you are on track or off track?


You may be thinking, Really? Why would I want to spend my morning learning something or getting better at my craft? You see, this is where the key starts: it's about improving your craft, not just learning something new. It's also about applying what you learn to better yourself and your life. 

When was the last time you used your morning to do just a little bit of this—to know more, be more, and evolve more?


I don't know if you've ever heard this saying, but the more you take care of your health, the more your health takes care of you. So, how much time did you spend today moving toward more empowered mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual health? These are all foundational keys to getting more aligned in your life and day. 

If you haven't, what is this costing you right now? The choice is yours, but I'm not saying you need to start with a massive leap. Instead, focus on one or two things that will move you toward a healthier, more empowered life, leading to a more empowered day.


Now that you know what to do, will you commit to doing any one of these daily? It's not just about speaking it; it's about taking action in your life. If you truly desire to have and live more empowered days, take inspired action to make it happen. Create space through action for the greatness you seek to come and find you. Remember, it's not just about saying it; it's about becoming it.

Now that you know many foundational keys to start your day in an empowering way, will you practice them no matter what?

If you choose to start the same way, you are opting for your life to remain the same. If you truly want your life to be empowered and your days to flow with more ease, create the flow and harmony you need in your mornings, and watch how your life begins to shift.

Try any of these practices today for the next 100 days and let me know how you get along.

I'm here to serve and support you all the way to your greatest success.

Much love, 

Sefika Evliya


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